Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cream and White...

Hi there! I don't know about you, but things have been crazy busy lately. I've got all kinds of deadlines, projects, social functions, in addition to the daily stuff right now. Whooo, that transition to fall, and all it entails, sure keeps us hopping doesn't it? Oh, I will be gone this afternoon through Sunday...but check back Monday for a giveaway next week!

I thought I show some new goodies I'm working on because I just love the color combo! Cream and White...so pretty! I love these two together partially because they are a staple in the world of Shabby Chic and because they are so versatile. I love that you can use them with anything. When I look at the blossoms below, I can picture them on a fancy wedding layout (...when you see the word "layout", feel free to substitute "card" or "paper craft project" depending on your passion :)). Or...they would be great on a baby or heritage layout, oh, and winter project too...don't they look like snowflakes all white and shimmery! You get my point.

If you don't use this color combo much, try it on your next project. Mat your photos in alternating layers of white and cream, make a border out of white and cream buttons, or tie white tulle and cream ribbon around a photo or title block. So many pretty possibilities!

Watch for these color combos coming to the shop soon!


  1. Renee, I'll have to have a reserved listing for the top felt sparkles, oooh for winter!

  2. SOOOO cute lady! Have fun on your trip! Coffee, Chocolate and shopping was fun the other day!!!jam
