Saturday, December 6, 2008

Today's Christmas Idea: Count Down to Christmas

I got the most wonderful idea off of Nicole Samuels blog and I just had to share it with you all. (she said she heard the idea from someone else too, but I can't remember who :)) It's a wonderful way to count down to Christmas with your children. First you need to get/buy 25 children's Christmas books. Then you wrap them all up and each day your children get to open one book, that way every night you read a Christmas story together before bed. What a great way to count down the days till Christmas! Then after Christmas you just pack up the books for the next year. My darling cousin-in-law knew I was planning on doing this and she went out and got me about 2 dozen used Christmas book! What a sweetheart, and what a good way to get a bunch of books with out spending a ton of money! Thanks so much Jessie! Man kids books can be so pricey these days.

I also wanted to share another fun idea for an advent calendar. I made a "mini album" out of paper lunch bags (I folded them in half, stacked em up, and stitched down the center to bind em). I decorated each page of the book and stamped 2 #'s on each page as well. (1-25 for the days of Christmas) Then I made 13 large tags that would fit into the "pockets" that were made from the open ends of the bags (I decorated the tags and put ribbons on the end so they would pull out easily). Then I typed up a list of fun things to do each day until Christmas. I mounted an idea on each tag (front and back) and put them randomly in the book. Now everyday we pull out a tag and do what the card says. I put all kinds of things on the cards from wrapping presents and baking cookies, to buying gifts for the needy, helping a neighbor, and or going out for coco. I'll give you a little tip: be reasonable while your planning your daily "events", I learned making a lot of simple but fun plans works the best. Each day a new family member gets to pull out a tag and my kids love it, especially because there are a few tags that let the "puller" get to decide the "plan" for the day.

There are so many great ways to countdown until Christmas, I'd love to hear about your traditions too! Leave a post here and share what traditions you have during this holiday season!

Be sure to check out my etsy shop because I've been putting a ton of new goodies in there and I am having a Christmas Sale! (see previous posts for details)

Also be sure to leave a comment on today's giveaway so you can be entered to win!

1 comment:

  1. So, I thought I'd share a countdown with you & your readers that a friend just told me tonight. There is a fisher price little people nativity set at Super Walmart. The first day you get the manger, then each day the child unwraps another piece that goes in the set with baby Jesus as the last day. How neat! Since He is the reason for the season! And woo hoo I never win, yeah, thanks!
