Friday, September 11, 2009

I'm taking the challenge...

...the Rhonna Farrer 21 Day Challenge that is. It is an AWESOME idea. 21 days, 1 habit, inspiring quotes, and an art journal equals a very fun creative way to lick a bad habit or start a good one. I'm breaking a bad one. With all the craziness in my daily life, I often feel I have very little patience. I do not want to let myself be easily frustrated with those around me, especially my family. I'm on day 3 today, I started a day behind everyone, and I'm so glad I'm doing this. I know it won't be easy, but it is SO worth it to break this habit. Making time to spend creating and writing in my journal everyday will be so good for me too. If you haven't heard of this challenge yet, go over to Rhonna's blog and check it out. You can start today and just be a day or two behind like me! :) She has amazingly beautiful quotes for you to download for your journals too. Well wish me luck, this is one challenge I'm gonna lick!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are keeping up with the challenge--I love your blog and the bags you made are fantastic!!!!!
