Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Our little superstar had her dance recital last night. She and the other adorable kids in her tap class did amazing! They were SOOOO STINKIN CUTE out there tapping away to an Elvis song dressed in costumes from Grease! I mean come on... Elvis, Grease, and my adorable daughter dancing.... what could be better! I love to watch Maddie. She is so opposite of me in so many ways. She has zero fear... no stage fright at all. She gets up the on the big ole stage in front of a packed house and gives it her all. It's so great! She also won an award this year which thrilled her to no end, and to top it off her class is in the best of show and will perform again Friday. As long as she loves to perform I'll keep signing her up for class. Next year she says she wants to sing too. Lets all hope she doesn't take after her mother there either or I see some broken glass in our future! ;) Way to go sweetie!!! Mommy and Daddy couldn't be prouder!

I hope everyone is having a great start to their summer! It was finally nice enough that we got to paint our house last weekend. Now we get to just sit back and enjoy the summer. I think were going to try some camping this weekend... as long it's not rainy again! We also have to get a chicken coop built for our chickens. It's time to move some of them out of the garage and outside. What's on your list this weekend? I hope something fun!

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