Friday, April 6, 2012

Easy Bunny Pops

I have to admit I have a new addiction. Recently some friends and I got together to make some goodies to pass out to the kids at church on Easter Sunday. We made cake pops. Then my pal Jami and I got together to make a few more... then we started experimenting and well now I'm putting anything I can find on a lollipop stick and dipping it into pretty candy melts. ;) Anyway...

I saw some marshmallow bunny pops somewhere and decided to make my own version. These turned out pretty cute and were so easy to make.

What you need:
a bag of the big white marshmallows
a bag or two of pretty colored candy melts
some lollipop sticks
heart shaped sprinkles
powdered sugar
little treat bags
a kitchen scissors

Then away you go! Heat up your candy melts according to the directions on package. In a small bowl stir together a little cornstarch and powdered sugar. Now to make the ears. Take a marshmallow and cut ears using the kitchen scissors. I held the marshmallow upright and made vertical cuts. Some parts of the ears will be sticky so toss them in the cornstarch mixture.

Next take another marshmallow and insert a lollipop stick. Dip the end of the marshmallow (about 1/3 of the way down) in the candy melts. Add a sprinkle nose. Let the candy coat set up for just a minute, but not all the way, then dip the ends of the ears and attach em to his head. When the candy melt has hardened, bag up your pop and tie it with a cute ribbon. That's it!

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